Aesop's Fables The Ant and the Grasshopper (পেপারব্যাক)
Aesop's Fables The Ant and the Grasshopper (পেপারব্যাক)
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This clever tale tells of a fun-loving grasshopper that enjoys spending summer days dancing, singing and eating lots of yummy food. He meets an ant who is looking ahead to winter and working hard to store up food for the coming months. Not heeding the ant’s warning about preparing for winter, the grasshopper soon finds himself cold and hungry while the ant is warm and content in his nest. Will the ant share some of his food with the grasshopper and will the grasshopper learn a valuable lesson?

As with all fables, children can also learn important lessons and the difference between right and wrong. The fable for Aesop’s Fables: The Ant and the Grasshopper focuses on the notion that there is a time for work and a time for play.

Title : Aesop's Fables The Ant and the Grasshopper
Editor : যুগল সরকার
Publisher : চিল্ড্রেন বুক সেন্টার
ISBN : 9789849165477
Number of Pages : 24
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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